Bulu Box - Subscription Box Reviews

Archive for the ‘Bulu Box’ Category

postheadericon Bulu Box ~ November

Though there isn’t a theme to this box I found one. ENERGY.  Here is what is going to energize me this month! WOOHOO Bulu!

Perky Jerky ~ A Healthy, satisfying snack made from all-natural ingredients.  A good source of protein and flavored with Guarana.

FRS Healthy Energy  Chews ~ Pineapple/Mango.  Formulated with quercetin, a powerful, all-natural antioxidant found in foods such as red apples, these soft chews satisfy your sweet tooth and provide sustained energy when used daily.

Almased ~ A blend of only honey, soy and yogurt, for a formula so safe that even people with diabetes can use it. It nourishes the body as it stimulates healthy, long-lasting term weight loss.

Reserveage CocoaWell True Energy with AdaptoStress3 ~ Energy cocoa! An adaptogenic herb blend and naturally sourced caffeine that helps enhance energy.

Crystal Essence Mineral Deodorant ~ Crystal infused towelette offers all the great benefits of the award-winning deodorant in a convenient packet. Lavender scent.

To get y0ur own Bulu Box go to www.bulubox.com

I paid for my own box and all opinions or lack of are 100% my own. 🙂


postheadericon Bulu Box ~ October

I actually read the card that came with my Bulu Box. I usually just skim them over, toss it and dive into my box. I’m glad I slowed down this month.

“Each Box Is A Healthy Discovery” Indeed it is! The back of the card reminded me of why I deal with these silly boxes.

The Beauty of Sampling:

The Bulu Crew searches the globe for the besat and newest vitamin and supplement products for you to try. We understand that determining what and which vitamins and supplements to take can be overwhelming.  That’s why we are so passionate about sampling,.

Sampling allows you to discover something new or determine products that work best for you. The beauty of sampling is that you always win:

You like all 5 products WIN!

You like one product WIN!

You don’t find any products right for you? – That is still a win! Now you know what products NOT to purchase saving you $20, $50 or more on a full-sized purchase.

Here is my win for October!

Lean 180: offers a natural effective supplement to a dieting plan. Increase metabolism, burn more calories and detoxify your digestive system.

ONGO Energy Shot: Packed with the smoothest flavor profile and plenty of energy. (I tried it and it tasted pretty good for an energy shot, it did not hold up to another brand I try though)

Natural Vitality Calm: Restores a healthy magnesium level and balances your calcium intake-resulting in a natural stress relief.

ANS Performance DILATE: Amp up your workouts. Dilate keeps you pumped and hydrated to ensure that ample oxygen and nutrients can reach your muscle fibers and ensure maximum output while working out.

Eco-Dent Toothpowder & Dental Gum: Effervescent action leaves your mouth clean and fresh, your teeth polished and smooth- and actually does this with less abrasivity, protecting your enamal.

About Time 100% All Natural Protein. No carbs, no fat, no aftertaste. Drink as a meal replacement or use in a favorite recipe.

If you want to try Bulu for yourself go to www.Bulubox.com

I paid for my own Bulu Box and all opinions or lack of, are 100% MINE. 🙂


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